Friends of Long Pond Ironworks

Friends of Long Pond Ironworks


​The Friends of Long Pond Ironworks, Inc. (FOLPI) is a nonprofit (501-c:3) volunteer organization dedicated to preserving and interpreting the remaining structures and the history behind them. FOLPI is an “Officially Recognized Friends Organization” of Long Pond Ironworks State Park. The Friends of Long Pond Ironworks are working to ensure that the Historic District is preserved and remembered for its contributions to our past, present and future.​

The 175-acre Historic District contains the remains of the village and furnaces at Long Pond that produced iron for the American forces during the Revolutionary War, in the War of 1812, and for the Union Army during the Civil War. Long Pond Ironworks is listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places and has been designated a National Historic Landmark. The historical value of Long Pond Ironworks is paralleled only by its natural beauty. The Historic District offers walking paths, hiking trails, and the river that was once drove the furnaces.


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